Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Student Council Activity Board

 Kia Ora Ruru, 

Hi Ruru, this morning Mimi and myself tried out Jaydah's skateboarding tutorial. It's been 3 years since I was last on a skateboard because last time I feel off and hurt myself. However Jaydah was such a great teacher I decided to give it a go! -Her curb flip is much better than mine! :) 

I grabbed my brothers long board out of the garage and skated up and down my driveway. I am very lucky to have such smooth concrete. 

Mimi and I look forward to seeing your video's/ pictures of your student council activity board challenges! Remember each post gets you 1 HOUSE TOKEN!!! I am excited to have earned HARVARD 1 token! 

Thank you student council for making these video's I might try and make Polly's and Lottie's crepes next! 

Miss Ferguson 


  1. Hey miss Ferguson, you just earned your house a token!!

  2. Miss Ferguson you skater chick!

  3. Mimi is definitely not a skate cat but I love that she's out there watching you.

    1. She's not a fan of the skateboard... but loves to chase me up and down the drive way! :)

  4. Awesome Miss Ferguson! You look like a natural on the skateboard, & you've inspired me :)

  5. hi its skye lyon here miss Ferguson. skateboarding is fun! me and my dad do it together when the weather is good. you are really good. i like your trick

    1. Hi Skye, you could do the skateboarding challenge with your dad and upload a video to earn your house a house token! Thank you, I learnt my trick from Jaydah's video. :)

  6. hey miss Ferguson you got some good skills same goes to your cat

  7. Some hidden talents there miss Ferguson. Good job!

  8. hi mimi your so funny wen you rid with Mrs Ferguson

  9. Wow Miss Ferguson you have some talent :0
